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Testimonial Submission Form

Presently, no scientific protocol exists to either prove or disprove scalar light action. Furthermore, only a scalar light instrument can be utilized to monitor and observe scalar light action upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects.

The testimonies herein are first-hand accounts as to the efficacy of the scalar light sessions by way of a photograph of a person, animal, plant or object. These testimonies are subjective. Nonetheless, the testimonies serve as the initial body of evidence attesting to the benefits of the scalar light sessions. Scalar light is a new and emerging science and the testimonies listed on the website have been voluntarily submitted.

The scalar light sessions are administered upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. In practice, all scalar sessions act within the scalar light dimension which is distinct from the electromagnetic dimension. Therefore, all testimonies submitted to www.scalarlight.com reflect the subjective experience or observation of people that have e-mailed photographs of people, animals, plants and objects for scalar light sessions. Consequently, the scalar light sessions and the associated testimonies represent the new and emerging science of influencing the scalar light force fields embedded upon photographs.

The scalar light instruments are unique as well as the scalar light protocols which administer scalar light upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Thus, the testimonies are unique, first-hand accounts relative to the ground-breaking, private research of Tom Paladino contained herein at: www.scalarlight.com


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Average rating: 1767 reviews

Dec 18, 2021 by randj on Scalar Light
Thank you
Hello, Scalar Light ! I am very indeed grateful to be on this therapy session program since. I am quite healthy now / very strong / almost happy / in terms of better mood than before / thank you for offering this program on line / much appreciate ! .......
Dec 18, 2021 by randj on Scalar Light
I am very indeed grateful
Hello, Scalar Light! I am very indeed grateful to be on this therapy session program since. I am quite healthy now / very strong / almost happy / in terms of better mood than before / thank you for offering this program online / much appreciate ! .......
Dec 15, 2021 by Anon on Scalar Light
I popped open both my eyes and jumped out of bed
The first month of Scaled Light healing light was amazing in a great number of ways. It started with waking up the first morn it was activated. I popped open both my eyes and jumped out of bed. Took a deep breath deepest of sleep and rest. The moment I woke up, the first morning I felt nothing. Was I woke up? It was like I slept in the deepest, darkest, dankest like I was a hibernating furthest cave to hibernate down in, quietest, cave Cavern. Like the bears' hibernation cave. It was the oddest but deepest feeling. Very peculiar.

All that to say; for 11 months, I have slept good and not woken up and "needed" that morning " cup o' joe". My fav term was to get some real blood pumping in my veins. And fav coffee had 3 shots of espresso in it. On average, from appx. 1995. I would consume that coffee twice a day.

It just happened for 10 months in a row. Now 11. And it feels good
Dec 15, 2021 by Anon on Scalar Light
My arms went from FAT OF 16 inches to 12!
I thank u every day for every moment on Scalar Light. I am changed in so many ways. What an amazing " tool", force. Why would anyone reject healing like Scalar Light? I would love to work with Scalar Light programs for you, forever.

Tom, so many people, even family, that just do not understand Scalar Light. Physically I've changed a great deal because of Fat Metabolizer. Just amazing. Really amazing. My arms went from FAT OF 16 inches to 12!!!!!!!!!!!! Legs same down 4 inches of FAT.
Dec 06, 2021 by randj on Scalar Light
I recommend all the males across the corners to try it on this program
Hello, Tom! I would like to thank you first of all regarding this male hormone program therapy session / [m.h.p.t.s.] that I am still on. However, this program is quite interesting results regarding my health issues such as I have a deep sleep at night like a baby that is quite different than before. Also, I gain some muscular build automatically even if I do not go to the gym recently that I used to be [for summer time] because it's cold right now [winter time] / so, less physical exercise, but this hormone program change my body posture in great shape even [to gain some six packs] / all my friends noticed some quite change in my outlook / like skin-toned / deep male voices/alpha male type look alike. Thank you very much for this program that you offer online / there is nothing to lose but a lot to gain for a big change / to challenge myself for the huge benefits from this program / and I recommend all the males across the corners to try it on this program if they will need some changes for [in/out]/look in physical appearance / but it's up to everybody to make up their minds/thoughts ....... Much appreciate your sessions!
Dec 02, 2021 by Anon on Scalar Light
The doctor was amazed at how quickly I was recovering
Hi, Tom!

I initially contacted you for a session because I was diagnosed with Shingles. I've gotten fever blisters all my life and years ago had some sessions with you which eradicated Herpes from my body. I hadn't had one in many years. Just recently I had a small one when I had a sinus flare-up and then I assumed the slight rash at the beginning of the Shingles were blisters. They weren't. The next day the left side of my face had a pretty solid rash After seeing the doctor, I immediately got the anti-viral prescribed and contacted you for a session.

The rash never formed blisters. It just started to fade slowly, but immediately. Very mild itch. Didn't cause any real problem. I had an extremely light case of Shingles which wouldn't have been typical of me. I had a very severe case of chickenpox and, as I said, fever blisters all my life. I was very pleased and know the light case was due to the Scalar Light. The doctor was amazed at how quickly I was recovering. It's been 2 weeks and the rash is all but gone with no lingering effects. I had a killer headache for a week prior to the rash and the first week after diagnosis and that has gone away.
Nov 28, 2021 by Anon on Scalar Light
For 11 months, I have slept good
The first month of Scalar Light healing light was amazing in a great number of ways. It started with waking up the first morn it was activated. I popped open both my eyes and jumped out of bed . Took a deep breath deepest of sleep and rest. The moment I woke up, the first morning I felt anything. Was i woke up. It was like I slept in the deepest, darkest, dankest, like I was hibernating furthest cave to hibernate down in, quietest, cave Cavern. Like the bears hibernation cave. It was the oddest but deepest feeling. Very peculiar.

All that to say; for 11 months, i have slept good and not woken up and "needed" that mornin " cup o' joe".My fav terms was;get some real blood pumpin in my veins. And fav coffee had 3 shots of espresso in it. On average, from appx. 1995. I would consume that coffee, twice a day.

It just happened for 10 month in a row. Now 11. And it feels good
Nov 02, 2021 by Jacki on Scalar Light
No Laxatives, No Detox Supplements
I've been on the Digestive Enzyme program for a week and a half now, and the standard program for about 20 days. Three days after starting the Digestive Enzyme program I became more regular (bowel-wise) for the first time since I can remember! No laxatives, no detox supplements, the only difference being adding the digestive enzyme program! This is huge to me! Thank you!!!
I have also noticed many thing since starting the Standard Program. I sprained my ankle, and was walking normally, pain free in two days. I am sleeping better and waking refreshed. My mood has been better - lighter, and I can feel an overall wellness.
Oct 23, 2021 by Al on Scalar Light
Highly recommended especially for women on pre-menopause
Hi Tom
I came across your website during covid and did the 15 days trial for the entire family. Unfortunately, we did not notice any difference. Months later I noticed that I’ve been having premenopausal symptoms. My menstrual cycle had been gradually decreasing. Pre-pregnancy was 28 days cycle and now 8 years later my cycles had been averaging at 22-24 days. What made me panic and decide to try everything was 2 months ago when my cycle dropped to 16 days. I signed up for your women's hormone treatment out of desperation. The first month through the treatment, my cycle was 30 days! The second month was 32 days. I’m on the 3rd month now and I’ve already passed 24 days so I’m quite sure it will be also about 30 days. Apart from my cycle, I've not been experiencing any negative PMS symptoms like migraines, extreme moodiness, or cramps. Also on the plus side, sex life has been better as I no longer experience dryness. I've also recommended a friend to try it. Overall highly recommended especially for women on pre-menopause, menopause, or even post menopause.
Oct 07, 2021 by Iris on Scalar Light
Grateful to Be Living Free of Addictions
Hi Tom
I learned of you and Scalar Healing via the online zoom you presented to our Connecting Consciousness (Florida) group.
It was amazing and I signed up for the 30-day trial you generously offered, immediately.
I am on day 29 today, 60 yrs young, pretty healthy, and feel blessed in good shape overall.
However, I was smoking filtered vanilla cigars regularly for over (20 yrs). I enjoyed them but the addiction itself and what I was ingested into my body/vessel did not feel good to my spirit or soul.

Mysteriously and without much preplanning a few weeks ago I made a decision to just stop (let go completely) smoking. I woke the next morning on a Sunday, mid-Sept 2021, and tossed all cigars, ashtrays, etc away. I have not had withdrawals, desires, and mostly zero symptoms of the aftermath. No coughing at all, very little throat issues, etc...
I am a faith-filled Believer in Creator Source/God and my own power as bestowed by Creator. I also feel the hand of God in the Scalar Healing as this whole interaction with my own healing feels truly miraculous.
Grateful to Be Living Free of Addictions...
Fort Pierce, FL
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