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Testimonial Submission Form

Presently, no scientific protocol exists to either prove or disprove scalar light action. Furthermore, only a scalar light instrument can be utilized to monitor and observe scalar light action upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects.

The testimonies herein are first-hand accounts as to the efficacy of the scalar light sessions by way of a photograph of a person, animal, plant or object. These testimonies are subjective. Nonetheless, the testimonies serve as the initial body of evidence attesting to the benefits of the scalar light sessions. Scalar light is a new and emerging science and the testimonies listed on the website have been voluntarily submitted.

The scalar light sessions are administered upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. In practice, all scalar sessions act within the scalar light dimension which is distinct from the electromagnetic dimension. Therefore, all testimonies submitted to www.scalarlight.com reflect the subjective experience or observation of people that have e-mailed photographs of people, animals, plants and objects for scalar light sessions. Consequently, the scalar light sessions and the associated testimonies represent the new and emerging science of influencing the scalar light force fields embedded upon photographs.

The scalar light instruments are unique as well as the scalar light protocols which administer scalar light upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Thus, the testimonies are unique, first-hand accounts relative to the ground-breaking, private research of Tom Paladino contained herein at: www.scalarlight.com


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Average rating: 1767 reviews

Mar 04, 2023 by Donna on Scalar Light
Standard Scalar sessions
I don't have the usual testimony, but I have trouble with aspirating because of paralysis in my throat and lungs. I would take antibiotics a couple of times a year to keep my lungs clear. Since I've started Scalar, I haven't had to take any antibiotics.
Feb 12, 2023 by Joslyn on Scalar Light
Scalar light works for me!
Scalar light works for me! Thank you, Tom, for bringing this technology forth.
Feb 07, 2023 by Rebecca on Scalar Light
Addictive Behavior and Chemical Detox
15 days into addiction and chemical detox. I am feeling stronger and have a bit more energy,. I am able to accomplish more things during the day. I have been very ill, so minor improvements are noticeable. I do notice that I am slightly less chemical and food sensitive. this is a big deal since the types of food that I can eat is highly limited. I do feel like I have seen some detox symptoms, they are mild so I just take some binders and drink extra water, and sauna. I do notice that I have less interest in trying to eat packaged foods. Even organic packaged foods stimulates a histamine reaction, so it is nice to be more satisfied with a few veggies, fruits, and grass fed meats. I am surprised that I can feel better while detoxing/ this is a great feeling, I have turned a corner and truly feel like at last, I am on an upswing, and know that I am improving. Thank you!
Jan 21, 2023 by Renee on Scalar Light
A proof that Scalar Light works
Hi Tom and Scalarlight Team
A proof that Scalar Light works, like Tom had explained in one of the many online Q+A session about Mouth and Teeth Hygiene.
I had not been to a Dentist since 2017 !! Yesterday I met a Team 1 Doctor +. 2 Students [last year of Study] at the Dental University in NYC. After thorough checking, testing they said "We have to complement you to your oral hygiene after so many years without dental visit - "Yippee !!! -
Well that is certainly NOT do to my rather lazy tootbrush use, but all to thank the Standard Scalar Light Energy program ,
It's a true blessing - TY
Jan 16, 2023 by Anon on Scalar Light
In the first nine days of FHT my hot flashes have diminished dramatically, by 75%
Good morning Tom,

Before starting the FHT treatment, I have had severe hot flashes for three decades. For many years, I have used bioidentical hormones and tried to manage my symptoms. I had success for periods and then something would change and I would have to try to find the balance once again.

For many years, I did not absorb progesterone and that caused severe bleeding and more than 42 cysts in my abdomen. I found glutathione and that caused me to be able to absorb progesterone which helped considerably.

I then stopped all hormone supplementation for two years, hoping my body would balance itself, but to no avail. I then started back on estradiol two months ago, hoping to end the intense and painful hot flashes but they just got a little less.

OK! That brings us to here. In the first nine days of FHT my hot flashes have diminished dramatically, by 75% and also the intensity is much, much less! AND! I stopped taking The estradiol at the beginning of this week!

I am awed and appreciative to say the least. I am also on the regular standard scalar treatment. I have both kinds of herpes, CFIDS and irritable bowl, we will see what happens with that.

I have referred six or seven clients to you for your 15 day free trial and they are loving it and will sign up for on going treatment as well.
Jan 03, 2023 by Anon on Scalar Light
I, due to Scalar, have not been sick!
My husband, who is never sick, has had that new flu for 3 weeks. Bad congestion and cough.

He is getting better. Many people I know have that flu!

I, due to Scalar, have not been sick! Praise The Lord and Scalar!!!
Dec 29, 2022 by Judith on Scalar Light
I feel it gives me a sense of wholeness
Very nourishing being on the precious stones I feel it gives me a sense of wholeness despite having brain damage
Dec 19, 2022 by Anon on Scalar Light
I felt compelled to write a review concerning my experience
Hi Tom,

I felt compelled to write a review concerning my experience that I have had with scalar healing energy. I was 1st introduced to it as a gift... A friend of mine last December asked for my permission to sign me up for a free 2-week trial... She was signing everyone up... I was like FREE sure go right ahead!!!.. Two weeks turned out to be 4 weeks and two months and then three months...

At first, literally the 1st 4 days I didn't feel any different which was my usual lousy self by the 5th day it was hard not to notice the increase in bowel movements at least twice a day and the parasitic issues went away... I was still kinda skeptical so I did individual monthly sessions until recently I signed up for a 3-month stint and that's when " the change " really took off !!!!!!!!!!

Before signing up I had substantial dental pain, my dentist refers to the condition as " angry teeth " plus I had a couple of abscesses deep in the root of the teeth... By the third week, the dental pain was gone and by the sixth week, the abscesses were gone, and not by no dentists drill either... I could eat food, I could eat ICE CREAM !!!!!..

I also noticed a decrease in my blood pressure; resting it went from 140/90 to 120/60.. I slept easier, and thru the night, without crazy nightmare dreams or having to get up to pee... My sleep patterns changed. I went from 9 hours a night to sleeping 6 hours...I wasn't yawning thru the day and didn't require a nap every day as before but if I did it was for only 20 min ( not 2 hours)... I was just ready to go...

Also, I noticed a substantial increase in balance and hand/eye coordination ... Wait there is more... Where I really felt it was upstairs in my head... During the 3 month sub, I signed up for I began to notice subtle changes (an increase of function ) in my cognitive abilities, such as articulation of the English language, attention span, short-term memory, conversational multi-tasking, ( being able to debate with others and not only keeping track of my verbal thoughts but theirs as well),

If I were to guess I'd say my IQ ability increased by at least 5 points... I could function all day without eating, with no cravings, no hunger gurgles, nothing, and still remain alert and active...That was kinda weird and took some getting used to, not having eaten to get thru my day... I ate dinner but breakfast and lunch, nope...

I'd also like to take this time to mention the peace of mind that I felt on a daily basis perhaps it was a cumulative effect of the whole enchilada.. .. Now this is my own personal testimony for the three months that I involved myself with scalar healing energy, I can only imagine what a year of scalar healing energy would do ... I am looking forward to the future of working with you Tom to help me and others be the best that we can be...
Dec 19, 2022 by Anon on Scalar Light
I am awed and appreciative to say the least
Good morning Tom,

Before starting the FHT treatment, I have had severe hot flashes for three decades. For many years, I have used bioidentical hormones and tried to manage my symptoms. I had success for periods and then something would change and I would have to try to find the balance once again.

For many years, I did not absorb progesterone and that caused severe bleeding and more than 42 cysts in my abdomen. I found glutathione and that caused me to be able to absorb progesterone which helped considerably.

I then stopped all hormone supplementation for two years, hoping my body would balance itself, but to no avail. I then started back on estradiol two months ago, hoping to end the intense and painful hot flashes but they just got a little less.

OK! That brings us to here. In the first nine days of FHT my hot flashes have diminished dramatically, by 75% and also the intensity is much, much less! AND! I stopped taking The estradiol at the beginning of this week!

I am awed and appreciative to say the least. I am also on the regular standard scalar treatment. I have both kinds of herpes, CFIDS and irritable bowl, we will see what happens with that.

I have referred six or seven clients to you for your 15 day free trial and they are loving it and will sign up for on going treatment as well.
Dec 16, 2022 by Anon on Scalar Light
Arthritis Pain Relief
Greetings to everyone reading this and I hope you will find my experiences and testimony here will encourage you to explore this wonderful avenue towards better health and a much more happy and healthier you. . .

In brief, I was first introduced to Mr. Paladino and his Scalar Energy Healing services through a very good friend of mine who I have known and trusted for many years. Upon her suggestion, I decide to avail myself of the services offered .. and I must say .. I am MORE than pleased thus far with the results!

For YEARS, I have suffered .. mostly in silence .. with debilitating Arthritis in my neck and shoulders. I'm sure there's some Fibromyalgia included as well. My multiple numerous visits to the Chiropractor and THOUSANDS of dollars invested over the years have been of great benefit, but have not "fully relieved" myself of these debilitating maladies.

So, with all this in mind, I was more than willing to give the "healing techniques and services" offered by Mr. Paladino a try .. and boy am I glad I did!!

In just under a months time, I have experienced a DRAMATIC reduction in the stiffness and pain that have plagued me for many years!!

Over the course of these treatments . . .I could actually "feel" the effects of them "working" within the affected areas!! What JOY!! What RELIEF!!

I simply cannot adequately articulate how TOTALLY PLEASED I am at the results I've experienced so far . . .and thus . . .would encourage anyone to look into this manner of treatment for yourself .. . .if all other ways and means of "healing" have failed . . .
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