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Testimonial Submission Form

Presently, no scientific protocol exists to either prove or disprove scalar light action. Furthermore, only a scalar light instrument can be utilized to monitor and observe scalar light action upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects.

The testimonies herein are first-hand accounts as to the efficacy of the scalar light sessions by way of a photograph of a person, animal, plant or object. These testimonies are subjective. Nonetheless, the testimonies serve as the initial body of evidence attesting to the benefits of the scalar light sessions. Scalar light is a new and emerging science and the testimonies listed on the website have been voluntarily submitted.

The scalar light sessions are administered upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. In practice, all scalar sessions act within the scalar light dimension which is distinct from the electromagnetic dimension. Therefore, all testimonies submitted to www.scalarlight.com reflect the subjective experience or observation of people that have e-mailed photographs of people, animals, plants and objects for scalar light sessions. Consequently, the scalar light sessions and the associated testimonies represent the new and emerging science of influencing the scalar light force fields embedded upon photographs.

The scalar light instruments are unique as well as the scalar light protocols which administer scalar light upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Thus, the testimonies are unique, first-hand accounts relative to the ground-breaking, private research of Tom Paladino contained herein at: www.scalarlight.com


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Jul 31, 2013 by Anon on Scalar Light
It's almost the end of the month and I wanted to report that I've had NO outbreaks! Needless to say, I'm thrilled! I feel that the herpes infection is now history! I don't think we need to keep on with another month of treatment at this point. However, I promise that I will stay in touch and I will definitely want another treatment in 6 months or so. If anything at all occurs I will contact you again immediately so you can start the treatments again.

Tom, words cannot say how much I thank you and appreciate your work with scalar energy. Not only have you helped me but you've helped so many other people to heal what seems to be the 'impossible' in their lives.

God bless you. I will be checking your website often so I can keep up with your work.
Jul 15, 2013 by Anon on Scalar Light
Now, I have to simply rave about something that has been happening with your treatments. While this problem might not be something guys would understand, women will get it. For years and years (probably 20 years or more), cellulite has been the bane of my existence. I have tried creams, exercise, herbs--you name it.

Yet, when I looked in the mirror, the skin seemed to be getting more and more lumpy. A few months ago, it was even looking somewhat lumpy on the fronts of my legs.

I am not overweight, but my legs were showing my age. I am NOT a person who wants to wear a bikini or show off, but I was feeling uncomfortable in regular old shorts!

Now, you should see my legs!!! While they are not totally perfect yet, they are SO MUCH smoother than I would have ever thought possible. I am simply blown away!!! Now, they just seem like normal thighs and I am so happy. The improvement is amazing.

Again, I realize that this change has something to do with better health and that makes it all the better. I assume that cellulite has toxins or something that happens, but whatever it is, I have to say that this is a remarkable change.

If there are ladies out there who are wanting treatments for health, I would be happy if you could use this testimony to let them know of this incredible side benefit that we did not expect. I was doing this program for general health and to get rid of candida, etc. However, in addition to health, I have lost warts and my legs are getting smoother everyday. The side benefits are blowing me away and helping me to realize that my body must be getting stronger and healthier.
Jul 08, 2013 by Anon on Scalar Light
Dear Tom:

I am feeling much better recently at the beginning of the second treatment. Thanks for asking. As you know I am very anxious of the good results as you are, and I am reporting the changes as follows:

I started seeing improving signs starting from week 3 and 4. The thick dead skin on my body decreases its growth. I feel less itchy at those patches and spots, I know that we are in the right track. At this present time, those formerly dead skin patches still red and very thin layers of dead skin still appearing. I am confident that all this bad plague will go away next month or so. The next sign is my gums stopped bleeding when flossing and my teeth are much less sensitive to ice water and cold water. I used to get painful gum infection perhaps 2 times a week. Now, since the start of the treatment 05-19-13 it did not come back once as yet. I start feeling a little more energy now. Thank you very much Tom.

This will convince any skeptic of its awesome potentials. I have tried everything that I found before meeting you: acupuncture, Chinese herbs and medicines, detoxing concoctions, ozone steam bag, peroxide IV, etc... not to mention orthodox cream and ointment...

Every passing week, this condition is slowly fading away, and will be gone within 90 days at the present pace.
Jul 03, 2013 by Anon on Scalar Light
I'm just finishing up my first 30 days of treatment, and thought I would share my impressions of the therapy. I was just recovering from a very bad experience with high blood sugar and high blood pressure. I had lost 22 pounds from it, and was literally reeling from the multiple issues / symptoms I had experienced. With the treatments, I immediately started to feel a sense of total well being. I felt more alert and energized, my weight stabilized, my vision improved, and some long term skin anomalies suddenly cleared up completely. I started to sleep better, almost sleeping the entire night through without need to get up and urinate, and my dreams came back in full force, now having full 3D dreams with surround sound! (smile) Amazing! Even my sex drive has improved as well, I feel so empowered and alive each day now.

I look and feel better than I have in years, and I always feel like I have a Guardian Angel watching over me now, insuring that I am receiving the vitamins and nutrients my body needs, at a cellular level. I'm so thrilled with my first month, I am eagerly collecting my family's permission to treat them all for a month. It is the greatest gift I can possibly wish to share with them...

Thank you Tom, I pray you are blessed continually and guided throughout your life mission.
Jun 22, 2013 by Anon on Scalar Light
My eczema ridden skin has cleared up. I had given up hope that I would ever find relief. I still have a few random red places on my hands that have been there for a long time but the wrists and insides of the elbows are smooth. There is a luster and sheen to my face and hands that a few days ago were dry and scaly. I don't itch like crazy anymore. It's happened pretty well over-night. During the first few days of treatments I had some digestive disturbance and after that I have had no more sugar cravings. I felt an unusual surge throughout my right side. Subsequent treatments gave me a peaceful feeling together with more energy. I had been very tired for a very long time. Now I'm thinking I can actually finish some big projects that have been hanging around.

My sinus and breathing is better. My eyes are no longer dry. Digestion is better. I've continued to have more energy and I have felt happy and at times euphoric. Everyone is telling me I look good and they used to see me suffer from skin disease.

My knees are better. At first I thought this isn't working for my knees but I looked at them about 5 days after beginning treatment and saw that about half the swelling had gone down. I am still limping from sciatic pain but it's not as acute. I found a chiropractor at the same time as these treatments and have improved about 50%.

This healing has been gentle and profound. I never appreciated being poked with needles or having to drink bitter herbs or take toxic drugs. Being treated with scalar energy has been the most positive, natural and beautiful healing process I have ever experienced. I cannot describe how I am floating on a cloud but able to do more work at the same time.

I don't know what else to say but thank you Tom.
Jun 10, 2013 by Anon on Scalar Light
I am so grateful to Tom for the scalar wave healing he has done on me
I had a hysterectomy when I was 30... started menopause at age 36... which also started my thyroid to malfunction & shut down. I started having all sorts of health issues... from skin problems, losing my hair... to severe water retention & bloating, to name a few.

I am in my early 60's and have dealt with these health issues and many more for 24 years. AFTER THE FIRST FEW DAYS OF Tom using the scalar wave healing on me, I noticed my skin started feeling different & better! After a couple weeks.... I started going to the bathroom a lot more and was retaining a lot less water. My bloating & swelling has gone way down.

I also had a lot of discomfort in my body with aches & pains through out my body... which is much less now because of Tom's treatments. I am so grateful to Tom for the scalar wave healing he has done on me. It has changed my life and I am feeling so much better! I truly believe in and support Tom' scalar wave healing work. It is working for me! Thank you Tom a thousand fold!
Jun 06, 2013 by Anon on Scalar Light
My physical, mental & emotional health is so much better since Tom has been working on me with the Scalar Wave Healing Technology
I am 61 years old, and for the past 10 years I had gone through a lot of hard times & several very traumatic experiences, which negatively affected my health in major ways.

I already had a hypo thyroid problem... but because of the stress & trauma, it caused many other health issues.

When Tom started using his Scalar Wave healing technology on me, the first thing I noticed was my skin feeling so much better. After a week or so, I noticed many of my aches & pains were less painful. Later some just went away & never came back.

Another thing, my mental & emotional self was becoming much more calm & peaceful, and still is today!

I have skin eczema for the past 6 years. The sores on my arms are now gone. I still have this skin eczema... but it is not as bad as it was & seems to be clearing up more & more.

I had severe water retention for years... this too has mostly subsided... nothing like it was!

I can only say that my physical, mental & emotional health is sooooo much better since Tom has been working on me with the Scalar Wave Healing Technology. I am greatly blessed! Truly I am!

I appreciate and I am so grateful to Tom & his healing Scalar Wave work... much more than words can say!
Jun 04, 2013 by Anon on Scalar Light
Dear Tom:

I want to thank you so much for your help and assistance over the last several months. As you know, I was diagnosed with Lyme disease last fall, but had been misdiagnosed for a while before that. When I heard about your treatment through Perry, I was in pretty bad shape. I had been on antibiotics for at least 6 months and was just coming off of an IV antibiotic line. I was having terrible insomnia [a symptom of Lyme] as well as fatigue, anxiety and various problems with my nervous system, including parathesias.

When I first e-mailed with you, you instructed that you were going to do a light treatment that evening. At the time, I had no idea where you were in the country -- I live on the east coast and did not know that you were on the west coast. I mention this because I went to sleep that night, not thinking much about the treatment. But I distinctly remembering waking up at 1 am -- I believe it was 1:10 am to be exact -- and feeling a little bit of an odd sensation in my body. It was not scary but definitely noticeable; I just remembered feeling almost like a neuro impulse in my arms and legs -- hard to describe. I just thought "what's this?" and then I looked at the clock and saw the time and a few minutes later I was able to go back to sleep and woke up the next morning feel completely fine. Some time that morning, I thought of the treatment last night. You wrote to me later that day and I told you that I woke up with a strange feeling in my body for several minutes before I went back to sleep, and you told me that you administered a treatment at 10:00 PM from the west coast [pacific time] and then I realized that it was just after 1:00 am when I woke up and looked at the clock. I was truly dumbstruck knowing that, and my mind was of course thinking that it had to be more than a strange coincidence.

But since then, you have given me several other treatments, and there have been nights when I woke up again around that time and had similar reactions. Again, they were nothing alarming -- just felt like something was happening but it was not anything too intense.

The end result of this, though, is that very soon after that first treatment, I definitely turned a corner in my recovery. Within a couple of weeks, I was getting my energy back. I started subtly noticing that I was focusing on my kids more, and enjoying the little things that I used to with them. I wasn't thinking about feeling sick so much, and how I was going to get through the day. There was an enormous shift physically that was occurring and I was gradually realizing it as I was picking up books again to read and finding joy in doing things that I had been missing out on for about a year. I definitely felt like I was and still am getting my life back. I truly believe that your treatments have helped me, especially with the shift that I made after that first treatment. I will never forget the uncanny timing that first night of waking up with those sensations and then finding out that the treatment had been administered at just the same time!

I am now at least 80% or more better than I was just six months ago. I have not taken an antibiotic in five months, or any other medication for Lyme disease. In truth, Lyme did some damage to my immune and nervous system, but that is gradually getting better in time, as I am doing everything I can to be healthy again. I no longer feel like my body is being attacked by Lyme, and believe that I am now in a healing phase. Thank you so much for your amazing treatment. You have helped me so much in getting my health back again!

Best to you always, Tom -- and God bless you for your efforts in helping people get better!!!!!
Jun 01, 2013 by Anonymous on Scalar Light
Arthritis Pain Relief
Greetings to everyone reading this and I hope you will find my experiences and testimony here will encourage you to explore this wonderful avenue towards better health and a much more happy and healthier you. . .

In brief, I was first introduced to Mr. Paladino and his Scalar Energy Healing services through a very good friend of mine who I have known and trusted for many years. Upon her suggestion, I decide to avail myself of the services offered .. and I must say .. I am MORE than pleased thus far with the results!

For YEARS, I have suffered .. mostly in silence .. with debilitating Arthritis in my neck and shoulders. I'm sure there's some Fibromyalgia included as well. My multiple numerous visits to the Chiropractor and THOUSANDS of dollars invested over the years have been of great benefit, but have not "fully relieved" myself of these debilitating maladies.

So, with all this in mind, I was more than willing to give the "healing techniques and services" offered by Mr. Paladino a try .. and boy am I glad I did!!

In just under a months time, I have experienced a DRAMATIC reduction in the stiffness and pain that have plagued me for many years!!

Over the course of these treatments . . .I could actually "feel" the effects of them "working" within the affected areas!! What JOY!! What RELIEF!!

I simply cannot adequately articulate how TOTALLY PLEASED I am at the results I've experienced so far . . .and thus . . .would encourage anyone to look into this manner of treatment for yourself .. . .if all other ways and means of "healing" have failed . . .
May 30, 2013 by Anon on Scalar Light
Dearest Tom,

I am so excited today! I don't mean to sound silly, but suddenly today, the skin on my hands and face just seems so much smoother and softer. I haven't done anything different than normal, but my hands feel almost silky and look younger. That change happened suddenly.

I get really excited because I know that when I see things on the outside, I know that even more good stuff is happening on the inside. It is kind of like some of the aging is reversing.

Maybe aging has a lot to do with not having enough good stuff on the inside and also having a build up of years of virus, fungus, etc. But these treatments are changing all of that.

Like I mentioned before, I have always remained a healthy and active person; however, I was starting to see some changes that I just didn't like. (I am 58). The thing is--your treatments are reversing those changes; therefore, I know that my body is getting a renewal.

As of today, I also felt energetic again. I mean, I really did not feel the need for any extra coffee, etc. I felt good like when I was younger. I am just excited about this. I hope I can encourage others to try it out.

For me, this is about week 5. Before this, I saw the warts fall off and felt that Candida was being killed because of some symptoms that I felt; but, suddenly today, it is like it has all stepped up to the next level and I actually feel the difference.

I am so glad that I decided to get another set of treatments. I really believe that I needed this and I am so thankful for it. Thank you so much. I will keep you updated!!!
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