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The Role of Scalar Energy as the Cause of Earthquakes

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> earthquakes, liquefaction

The Role of Scalar Energy as the Cause of Earthquakes


There are two (2) energies in the universe: electromagnetic energy and scalar energy. All physical and non-physical phenomenon in the universe can be attributed to either electromagnetic energy action or scalar energy action. These two (2) energies are different and accordingly have different properties as well as different effects. Electromagnetic energy is hertzian; whereas, scalar energy is non-hertzian. Electromagnetic energy experiences entropy; whereas, scalar energy does not experience entropy. Electromagnetic energy propagates over a distance in a wave-like fashion and is impeded by various physical objects; whereas, scalar energy is a double-helix, Phi spiral that permeates the universe instantaneously and is not impeded by any physical object. These are some of the differences of these two (2) energies.

Over the course of human history, many terms have been utilized to describe scalar energy: the subtle Essence. Some of the terms that are synonymous with scalar energy are: torsion energy, pyramid energy, odic force, Prana, zero-point energy, radiant energy, etheric energy, life force, eloptic energy, logoital plasma, chi, Creative Strength, the Presence of the Holy Spirit, etc. All of these terms describe scalar energy which is manifested by the Sun of our solar system as well as the stars in the universe. Scalar light transcends time and space and thus is the Omnipresence of God.

Scalar energy pervades the universe and is present below, upon and above the surface of the earth. The manifestation of scalar energy below the surface of the earth will produce a movement of land masses, such as the subduction of tectonic plates. In short, the subterranean release of scalar energy is the force that causes seismic activity. Pursuant to this fact, an understanding of the composition of the earth itself is essential in order to realize the cause and effect relationship between scalar energy emanations and earthquakes.

Contrary to current thinking, the center of the earth is hollow and there are many caverns within the lithosphere as well as the asthenosphere of the earth's crust that afford an ideal environment for seismic activity; whereas, a solid earth would not be conducive to seismic activity as plates could not easily subduct inside a solid earth. There are discernible manifestations of scalar energy prior, during and after an earthquake thus providing proof of a cause and effect relationship between a manifestation or release of scalar energy and subsequent earthquakes.

Prior to an earthquake, animals are aware of the increased manifestation of scalar energy and take precautionary steps to protect themselves. Sensing an earthquake, cats and dogs carry their offspring outside a building, crocodiles vacate ponds and lakes, birds leave their nests, insects, frogs and lizards emerge from underground, zoo animals become apprehensive and farm animals refuse to return to their stables or pens. The ability of animals to detect the abundant manifestation of scalar energy as a precursor to an earthquake is an indication of the cause and effect relationship between scalar energy and earthquakes. In short, animals can sense the manifestation of scalar energy prior to an earthquake and take precautionary measures accordingly.


Frogs Are Seen Emerging from the Ground and Crossing a Road Prior to the 7.8 Magnitude, Wenchuan, China Earthquake


Frogs Are Seen Emerging from the Ground and Crossing a Road Prior to the 7.8 Magnitude, Wenchuan, China Earthquake 


 A 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck the Wenchuan county in China on May 12, 2008, resulting in widespread devastation that killed over 69,000 people while leaving 4.8 million homeless.  A few days prior to the earthquake, multi-colored clouds were observed and photographed in Tianshui City, Wenchuan county.  These clouds were energized with scalar energy and exhibited red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet colors that were visible to the naked eye.  The preponderance of scalar energy in Wenchuan county immediately preceding the massive earthquake served to produce these multi-colored clouds.  Succinctly, scalar energy can illuminate a cloud with vibrant colors.  This is another manifestation that scalar energy is the cause of an earthquake as clouds become saturated with this primal force resulting in the colors of the rainbow visible to the naked eye.


Scalar Energy Illuminated Clouds in Tianshui City, Wenchuan County Prior to the 7.8 Magnitude Earthquake


Scalar Energy Illuminated Clouds in Tianshui City, Wenchuan County Prior to the 7.8 Magnitude Earthquake 

Another phenomenon observed during the Wenchuan earthquake was the rapid formation of clouds prior to the earthquake. As a fundamental force in nature, scalar energy can assemble a cloud within 15 - 20 seconds, as this has been reported during seismic activity throughout the world. Scalar energy is the underlying cause of earthquakes as well as the atmospheric conditions associated with seismic activity. In short, scalar energy instructions can assemble or form a cloud in the sky during a short period of time.

On July 28, 1976, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Tangshan, China resulting in a dramatic display of scalar energy. A brilliant flash of white light immediately preceded the earthquake followed by a series of prolonged, rumbling noises. The sudden manifestation of scalar energy produced the brilliant flash of white light as well as the rumbling noises that were associated with the Tangshan earthquake. Scalar energy is capable of producing visible light as well as sound, thereby providing another example as to the cause and effect relationship between scalar energy and earthquakes.

Scalar energy is a primal force in nature that is capable of assembling and disassembling physical matter. The scalar energy associated with an earthquake can instantly assemble water from the elements, minerals and soil inside the earth's crust resulting in a liquid-like ground condition. This effect is called liquefaction which produces underground caverns of water, small fountains of gushing water that pulsate from the ground, miniature sand volcanoes and streams of running water that result in local flooding in some cases. As a result of liquefaction, roadways, bridges and sidewalks collapse, buildings and other structures tilt upon their foundations and underground storage tanks and sewer pipes float to the surface on account of their buoyancy when surrounded by water that has been rapidly assembled by scalar energy instructions. The ability of scalar energy to assemble water from the elements hydrogen and oxygen is known as transmutation.


Liquefaction Caused a Concrete Storage Tank to Float to the Surface During the 1964 Niigata, Japan Earthquake


The Christchurch, New Zealand earthquake that occurred on February 22, 2011, was a poignant example of scalar energy causing liquefaction as the ground quickly experienced the creation of water resulting in the saturation of the soil as well as local flooding. During some earthquakes, scalar energy instructs the abundant hydrogen and oxygen in the ground and atmosphere to assemble and rearrange into water: H2O. This rapid assembling of water during the Christchurch earthquake was the direct cause of liquefaction and the subsequent flooding experienced in the city. In particular, the incredible amount of liquefaction experienced during the Christchurch earthquake was caused by the rapid transmutation of elemental hydrogen and oxygen assembling into the water molecule: H20. This liquefaction event is another example of the cause and effect relationship of scalar energy instructions during an earthquake.


Widespread Liquefaction Caused by the Christchurch, New Zealand Earthquake on February 22, 2011


Widespread Liquefaction Caused by the Christchurch, New Zealand Earthquake on February 22, 2011


In synopsis, scalar energy is the cause of earthquakes as well as the subsequent phenomenon associated with seismic activity, such as, peculiar animal behavior, the illumination and formation of clouds, flashes of light, subterranean sounds and liquefaction.  A release of scalar energy will cause the earth to move resulting in a subduction of tectonic plates: earthquakes are caused by scalar energy instructions.  Mankind must acknowledge the role of scalar energy as the underlying cause of earthquakes in order to better understand seismic activity as well as the world in which we live.  My prayer remains that mankind will soon acknowledge and embrace scalar energy as one of the, "greatest creations," from God, the eternal Father.




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