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Lyme Disease Eradicated via Scalar Energy Pathogen Cleanse

by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2022

Tom Paladino’s Scalar Energy pathogen cleanse can help eradicate Lyme disease! ...

Lyme Disease Succumbs to Scalar Light Pathogen Cleanse

by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2022

    Scalar energy is a healing energy that is capable of disassembling pathogens associated with Lyme disease. Below is a testimonial of a person who was successfully treated for Lyme disease through the scalar energy pathogen cleanse. “Within a couple of weeks,” from the initial scalar energy sessions, this individual started to experience a significant health improvement. A combination of three scalar light sessions was administered regularly throughout 30 days, ...

Lyme Disease Testimony

by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2022

    Lyme disease testimony received June 2018.   Scalar energy is a healing energy that is capable of disassembling pathogens associated with Lyme disease. Below is a testimonial of a person who was successfully treated for Lyme disease by way of the scalar energy pathogen cleanse. Scalar energy has given me back my life. After a back injury that would not heal for the last two years despite constant, massage, physio, chiropractic, ...

Lyme Disease Testimony

by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2022

The testimony below is from a woman that suffered from chronic Lyme Disease for 7 years. After my Scalar Treatments in April and October 2017 I had the PCR blood test, which turned to negative, thank God! This was after having had the infection for seven years. All that remains is the tissue damage and autoimmunity affecting my legs, which is slow in going.   ...

Minerals and Your Health- Are you Getting Enough?

by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2022

  Our bodies are comprised mainly of minerals, with many of us think we get enough, but most are falling short! Mineral deficiencies show up in many different ways. From leg cramps and muscle spasms to heart rhythm abnormalities and more – Minerals are hard to come by in the right amounts and in a way, we can absorb them!   ...

MSRA Scalar Light Testimonial

by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2022

  MRSA Testimonial By Way Of Scalar Energy Scalar energy is a fundamental force in nature that is capable of disassembling the molecular structure of viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoans. In so doing, pathogens are transmuted into smaller, physical forms thereby causing the infectious agent to cease to exist. As a result, the symptoms associated with the pathogenic infection weaken and eventually disappear over the course of time. Scalar energy treatments were administered to a woma ...

Nanobacteria and Diabetes

by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2022

    Nanobacterium is an infectious agent that is associated with diverse calcification-related medical conditions. Nanobacterium is a general term for either a newly discovered blood-borne microorganism believed to be a bacterium or a calcifying nanoparticle responsible for biomineralization deposits that serve to harden and stiffen human tissue. Nanobacteria are associated with many diverse calcification-related medical conditions and have been shown to infect humans and oth ...

Natural Foods Quantum Health Solutions

by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2022

    Interested to take our 30-Day BETTER HEALTH challenge? Email support@scalarlight.com and ask for a complimentary trial for the Natural Foods program. Take your health QUANTUM!   ...

Natural Foods Therapy 216 Foods - Fruits, Vegetables, Seeds, Nuts, Herbs

by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2022

  See the 216 foods included in the Natural Foods Therapy delivered via Scalar Energy!   ...

Natural Foods Therapy: PERFECT NUTRITION for perfect health.

by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2022

  Our Natural Foods Therapy builds necessary nutrients in your body remotely using Scalar Light. The session includes over 10,000 Natural Plant chemicals derived form unadulterated, whole organic and non-GMO foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds, herbs and nuts. These food groups benefit physiological needs for repair, growth, glowing health!   ...

Negate the Damage of GMO Foods with Scalar Light Cleanse!

by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2022

  Scalar Light remote sessions can be a great solution for the detoxification of GMO pesticides and heavy metals. Scalar Light is a remote quantum healing technology that has the ability to negate the chemical bonds of harmful substances in our bodies with no Herxheimer reaction. This is not a chemical process but rather a complete disassemble of the bonds that hold these substances together. Completely safe and actually quite an enjoyable experience because along with the pa ...

Nikolai A. Kozyrev, Scalar Energy Astrophysicist

by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2022

  Nikolai A. Kozyrev was born on September 2, 1908, in St. Petersburg, Russia to Julia and Alexander Kozyrev. As a young man, Kozyrev aspired to become an astrophysicist and he subsequently was admitted to Leningrad University where he received degrees in physics and mathematics. Upon graduating in 1928, Kozyrev pursued his post-graduate studies at the Pulkovo Observatory where he conducted astronomical observations that subsequently proved to have profound and far-reaching implications. ...

Nutrient Therapy Assembles Essential Nutrients

by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2022

  Tom Paladino, Scalar Energy researcher, has developed his Scalar Energy Nutrient Therapy Program to assemble essential vitamins and nutrients inside the body.   ...

Oleic Acid Assembled in the Nutrient Program

by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2022

    The scalar light nutrient program is now over two hundred thirty-one essential nutrients. Following is a complete list of the vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, antioxidants, and phytochemicals that are assembled inside your body Monday-Sunday, 22 hours each day. The scalar light nutrient program is 100% natural no human-made products are used. I promise to only treat you with nutrients found in nature that are part of Gods creation. I bel ...

Pablo Maria: Prophet of the Divine Will and the Divine Light

by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2022

    Pablo Maria is a prophet of God who has been given the gift of the Divine Will. The Divine Will is an exalted state of spiritual perfection that God has given to chosen souls. Initially, Adam and Eve possessed the gift of the Divine Will in the Garden of Eden, however, their sin separated them from God and they eventually lost this most precious gift. Subsequent to the fall of Adam and Eve from the state of Grace, God has reintroduced the gift of the Divin ...

Pathogenic Cleanse Improves Dental Health

by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2022

    Scalar light is divine energy distinct from electromagnetic energy; it originates from our Sun and the universe’s stars. Electricity and magnetism are a derivative or subset of scalar light. Hence, the laws that govern scalar light are different from the laws that govern electromagnetic energy. Scalar light instruments have been developed that control and administer scalar light to improve quantum human health. In particular, dental health can be enhanced via scalar ...

PCR Test Negative For HSV I and II

by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2022

  One of our clients notified us that their test came back negative for the herpes virus. Congratulations! We are very happy for you! The Scalar Energy Pathogen Cleanse eradicated this users Herpes 1 and 2 virus on September 5, 2017, on the first Scalar session.   ...

PCR Test Proves the Scalar Energy Cleanse Disassembles the Varicella Zoster Virus

by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2022

  All energy in the universe initiates as scalar energy as the Sun of our solar system and the stars of the universe are the points of origin -"the storehouses"- for scalar energy. Scalar energy is instructive energy as the entire universe is instructed by this Divine Essence. Subsequently, all spiritual, cognitive, emotional and physical action in the universe is initiated and maintained by scalar energy instructions. It is scalar energy that provides order in the universe. Scalar energ ...

PCR Testing for Pathogens Relevant to the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse

by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2022

  The scalar light pathogenic cleanse disassembles pathogens while leaving the antibodies untouched and capable of providing defense against pathogenic infection. An antibody, also known as an immunoglobulin, is a protein that is a natural defense mechanism that identifies and neutralizes a pathogen. Antibodies are not treated by way of scalar light and hence will remain inside the body after the pathogen has been disassembled. All Scalar Light sessions are administered to photographs o ...

Plant Pathogens - The Different Categories

by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2022

  Plant diseases are a type of response of plant cells and tissues to certain environmental factors or microscopic plant pathogens. They produce a certain change in the function, form, or structure of the plant. If not treated in time, these diseases can lead to partial disability or even death. Depending on the type of tissue and cell that is affected, the biological function of the plant may be destroyed. For example, if the infection occurs in the roots, the roots may rot, and the ...

Displaying 381 - 400 of 455 items. « Previous | Page: 1 ... 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | Next »




alzheimers disease

amino acids



antimicrobial resistance

antoine priore

apollo 11

ark of the covenant


atherosclerotic plaque





borrelia burgdorferi







chakra balance

chemical detox

chronic fatigue

common cold

conventional medicine

crohns disease



dental health




divine intelligence

divine light


electromagnetic energy

energetic signature

entamoeba histolytica



epstein barr virus

essential amino acids


fat metabolism

female hormone program




gall stones


gum disease




high blood pressure

hiv virus






irritable bowel


kidney stones


leaky gut

lenticular clouds


limbic kindling


lyme disease





multiple sclerosis

nail fungus


natural foods

natural healing

neurological conditions


nikola tesla

nikola tesla quotes

non gmo

nonessential amino acids


nutrient program


om prakash

oral hygiene

pablo maria

pain management



parkinsons disease


pathogenic cleanse

pcr test results


phoenix voyage







probiotic bacteria





radiant energy

respiratory syncytial virus

rheumatoid arthritis

sarah hieronymus

scalar light

scalar light sessions




shingles virus

skin conditions



spirochetal disease

st john vianney

standard scalar program





thomas henry moray



tom paladino


urinary tract infection


virgin of guadalupe



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Scalar Light is a new and emerging branch of physics

Scalar Light does not treat, cure, or prevent disease. All Scalar Light Programs are administered by custom-built Scalar Light instruments that administer Scalar Light Divine Intelligence upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Therefore, the Scalar Light technology is ground-breaking and the Scalar Light Programs are unique.

Copyright © 2025 Scalar Light. All Rights Reserved.